Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you MOM

This weekend My Organic Market in the Westview Promenade will be holding a grand opening celebration.

Also, zombie fans should call the Hagerstown 10 for details on whether or not the locally shot Deadlands will continue through next week.

This weekend there will also be a run in Frederick to benefit the women of the Congo. I was intending to take part, but was getting involved way too late. Rather than a registration fee, they are asking participants to raise money through pledges, ala the March of Dimes Walk-a-Thon. I will post more details regarding this cause tonight.

Caught my first Keys game last night with the family - a few quick things...

The field looks to be in better shape than I have seen it in the three previous years I have been here. This is the first season that they are offering Barley & Hops beers at the stadium in addition to the traditional Brewer's alley offerings. And this year's Maryland Brewer's Festival will be held there on Mother's Day weekend. If you haven't been (for a game, or to the festival), I highly recommend the experience.

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